Friday, February 14, 2014

White Picket Fences

Model: Viry  Rendon

"Little boxes an a hillside, little boxes made of ticky-tacky." That was a Weeds reference if you didn't catch that. Moving on. Today was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Literally. I've driven past this fence so many times and thought this was a great spot to capture, so today was the day! There's something very American Dream-esque about a white picket fence. It reminds me of summertime and cook-outs, lemonade and pixie sticks, front porches and cold beer...Well, we had none of that today but what we did have was 75 degree weather, a camera and a fabulous chiffon skirt (wink, wink). Somewhere in the universe, someone looked upon my poor, cold, Texan soul and knew that I could not take one more cloudy day. For that I am grateful. Happy Valentine's day guys!


  1. This is beautiful! I love your work and your perspective. There really is "something" about a white picket fence. I can NOT wait to see more!!

  2. Katrina,
    You have a real talent. This is an amazing start to a beautiful future. You are able to find beauty and bring it out in everything you see. I think you should prepare for an amazing future in photography. I can't wait to see more of what you have to offer.

  3. Aww, shucks! You guys are far too kind! I'm sure you guys recognize my lovely model!
